We should not judge people by their peak of excellence; but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Facebook, Google India and Indian judiciary

Newspapers and media are the pillars of any democracy. Freedom of speech is one of the main important criteria that makes Indian democracy ticks as against the other Asian giant "China". However, could Indian media be trusted for carrying out the correct set of news? What is the new wave of journalism and how technology could help in creating new age journalists, which is already happening with the advent of blogs, tweets, youtube videos etc.

I am extremely interested in how the case of the Internet giant Facebook and Google being sued in India, over objectionable content posting on its owned sites (blogger.com, youtube.com, orkut.com), defends itself in the Indian judiciary. Here is the article "Google India sued"...

The interest ranges purely out of the curiosity / concern that this is the only way an age old judiciary system in India might be able to understand / reform the needs of new age technological world, where virtual world of Internet exists. Indian people are an important part of this web and their contribution will increase as web spreads its roots in Indian hinterlands. Indian constitution which guarantees "freedom of speech", gives an Indian an ability to express his opinion freely. Do Internet companies like Facebook, Google, by providing a virtual wall to paint their opinions to people of India are doing any harm? If the constitution provides Indian citizen a right to express opinion, why Indian government does not sue the owners of physical walls in Indian land, on which derogatory remarks / objectionable are written, why does it not sue "Indian Archaeological Institute" of India, which is responsible for maintaining Indian forts and historical monuments, where objectionable material is posted and actual physical damage is done to the history?

I am super interested in how this lawsuit is going to be defended by Google and Facebook. Indian judges I believe are not capable of understanding virtual world and its prowess. This could be one historical movement where Indian judiciary system would have to understand how the web works and how the reforms in Indian judiciary to tackle the problems that arrive out of cyber laws are needed to be done.

Go Google ....Go Facebook...Teach our Judiciary the important lessons in the new world of Internet. If our Government is not doing anything to improve lives of its citizens, some indirect means like this are the only options ....

I am curious ....

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